You went on a date with Jessica, and everything seemed perfect. She was happy during the date, you both had a good time, and she messaged you when she got home. You text her later in the week, but now it’s taking her hours to respond. When you message her on Snapchat, she’s sending you one word answers. She’s ignoring your phone calls.

She’s losing interest in you… what should you do?

When you notice a girl is losing interest in, you have a choice to make. Do you continue talking to this girl, in the hopes you can get her back. Or do you cut your loses and move on. Or, is there something else you can do…

Most Guys Make a Mistake

In this situation, most guys would start chasing this girl. They would start double texting her, sending her Snapchat photos, responding as she as she sends something to their phone, and generally ruin their chances with this girl. The first thing guys need to do in this situation is figure out what went wrong. Obviously there are many different things that could have went wrong, and your scenario is going to be unique. Some common examples include:

  • Not paying for the date.
  • Coming off as a “jerk” during the date.
  • Not making a good first impression.
  • Showing repeated signs of nervousness.

The second thing you need to do in this situation is actually the opposite of what they are doing. This means they should actually stop talking to this girl.

These Are the First Two Steps

After you have a general idea of why this girl has lost interest in you, as well as cut off contact, you should immediately text her the message I go over in my book Mastering the Game. This line will make her rethink her decisions, as well as make her think and wonder about you while you have stopped talking to her. I then go over the perfect time to start talking to this girl again to give you the best chance of getting a response.

Again, if you keep calling and messaging a girl who is showing clear signs of disinterest, you are only going to push her away further, leading to almost no chance of getting back with her. You need to take a step back, figure out what went wrong, cut off contact, and then proceed with the steps I go over in Mastering the Game.

Let me know what you think of this strategy in the comments below, and if you’ve ever been in a scenario like this and what you did!

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