This is a question that is often brought up, especially in this day and age. Should guys pay for the first date? I’ve gone on quite a few dates in my life, and have both split the date, as well as paid for it. Doing both, I have learned what is the best call. Let’s go over how to handle the bill on the first date.
First things first, I suggest going somewhere that is not expensive for the first date. I go over this more in my premium book Mastering the Game, however for the most part, you don’t know what you’re getting into on the first date. If you’re meeting a girl from the internet or a dating app, she may not look the way her filtered pictures portrayed her. And even if you’ve seen the girl in real life, her personality may not be what you hoped for. You can always go on more expensive dates in the future, just make sure this girl is worth your time before you do!
Okay, back to the bill. Ultimately I would suggest paying for the first date. In the past I used to split the bill, and while rare, some girls got very upset. It depends how they are raised, what part of the country you are in, etc. but for some girls, it’s seen as very cheap and disrespectful for the man to not pay for the first date. No matter if you like her or not, just pay for the date. That’s why I advocate a cheap first date! If you don’t like her, you’re out $10 and can move on with your life. You don’t have to harbor on the $50 steak dinner you just bought for my 600 lbs life.
Many times, mature, independent women will actually ask you to split the bill when it comes out. Sometimes they may insist to pay for themselves. In this case, it is completely fine to split the bill. However if they don’t say anything, it is your best interest to not say anything either, pull out your credit card, and pay the bill. I’ve had girls not talk to me after the date because I tried splitting the bill in the past. It’s just not worth the potential repercussions, especially if you like the girl, to try and split the bill.
I talk more about what to talk about during the date to build attraction with the girl you’re with, how to handle talking to her after the date, and much more in my premium book Mastering the Game. Make sure to check it out!
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