Hi, my name is Zac Miller. I began my journey 10 years ago in my pursuit of becoming better in the dating world and am now at a point in my life where I would consider myself to be an expert. I must say, none of this came easy for me though. I wasn’t born with natural talent, but through years of research and trial and error was able to find out the secrets to attracting the opposite sex. Men and women share similar desires, however the way to bring about those desires in either sex can be quite different.
I hope the articles and books both on my website, and Amazon, are able to help you in your journey. You don’t need to go through the years of lost time, lost partners, and the headaches that I, and so many other men go through, in order to start attracting the opposite sex. Allow me to be your mentor and save you from all the trouble. What I would have done for someone to tell me the information many years ago that I now know… it would have been a life saver.
Besides writing, I also read quite often, many times gravitating towards non-fiction books that deal with human psychology and science. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me here by email. I wish you the best when it comes to learning the art of dating, as well as your pursuit of the opposite sex.